Hello Everyone,
As many may know, there was an offensive name of a user submitted beer in this month’s vote; I would like to extend my deepest apologies for this. Our monthly vote lets people submit ideas for potential beers. The recipes are built off of the beer description and any ingredients that are submitted. They are built out by scientists not PR agents, their job is to take the description of the beer and create a grain bill so it can be feasibly brewed. Automation is used from the time of submission till the vote starts, URLs are auto populated, the beer name and images are also auto populated.
The beer has been removed from the voting round, and we now have a procedure in place so we can vet all beer ideas moving forward. I am sincerely sorry that this incident occurred and by no means is it a reflection of the views of MobCraft Beer and its employees. I feel horrible that this oversight happened. We would never promote rape culture as it is a very serious issue, never to be joked about. Again my deepest apologies.
A portion of all proceeds from Saturday’s (12/10/16) sales will be donated to a rape crisis center.
UPDATE: This post has been edited to provide clarity and more information on the situation at hand.